EGYPT : Day 3: Itthad crushes Somouha & Gezira kills Sporting

Day 3 : Nothing new happend Itthad & Gezira making easy wins over the all teams waiting for the big buttle on thursday at 6,Itthad crushed somuha 81-66 ,top scorers from Itthad, Amir El fanan 20 po,Chaudny Gray 18 po,Haytham Kamal 17 po. On the other hand, Sporting couldnt keep it on with Gezira till the end falling down in the last Qua, final score 91-79,top scorers from Gezira Wael Badr 19 po, Jarred Merril 18 po, Ramy Gunedy 14 po. from Sporting Ahmed monir 25 po. Meanwhile,Geish made an important win over Zamalek 86-83 to jump to the 5th position this win was made by Amin Roziek who scored 26 po,Tamer mostafa 20 po. However,today is a rest for all teams games will start tomorrow.