Feb. 13, '10: Hoops this weekend was in action in the last basketball gala before the league resumes. Teams have been using these games to test new players and playing strategies. From the level of plays and players shows just how cracking this year's will be. Tems in the gala included Tema Youth, Magic, Ashiama Lions, Panthers and Hoops. Below are some of the results from the gala:
Hoops 55 35 Panthers
Lions 27 45 Tema Youth
Magic 50 35 Panthers
Hoops 64 32 Lions
Panthers 41 32 Tema Youth
Hoops 26 15 Magic
Each game was played four quarters, ten minutes running time per quarter except the match Hoops played against Magic which was twelve minutes per half. Tema Youth and Hoops match could not conclude due to poor visibility.