C.Y.O 56, Yotive 51
O.K finally the Accra L started off with a D2 game. As usual C.Y.O came in as the undersized, less athletic side but ended up schooling their opponent. The new-look Yotive, after loosing most of their players in the off season to Holy Family were all but lost on the court. Too many rooks on one team if you asked me compounded with a coach who didn't know who exactly to play at what time(too many unnecessary subs). At the end of the day, all C.Y.O can say to Yotive is "Welcome to D2 baby!".
Reformers 61, Warriors 77
D1? Goodness, too much rough play for one game. Made me start thinking if D1 is going to be that difficult. Many fans could possibly have complained of bad officiating, but trust me, players and coaches of both sides made the job extra difficult for today's referees. Reformers' team this year looks like a bunch of school yard kids now learning the game; with a lot of bad attitude. All additions made to the Reformers' team can't and won't bring nothing good to the team, PERIOD!. Warriors also had their own set of new faces; good addition of size (Ali Baba and Tanko), then a good one in the back court (Rafiq Mohamed) even though he didn't see

a lot of play time today will definitely be useful to the team along this two-round league journey. Probably you expected to read a minute to minute recap of this game, but I tell you, this one was filled with too much bad physical play, exchange of abusive words and stops that made it quite difficult to watch especially the last Q. All I gotta say is Welcome to 2011 GABL.... and I wish I could say ...where the NOT so amazing happens...